Free Sample Of The Week!

Charles Warmonk

Wiki Staff
Here's this week's free sample!

How do you redeem your free items?
1. Open the LOTRO Store and locate the advertised "buy one get one" item.
2. Click "Add To Cart".
3. When you are ready to check out, click "My Cart".
4. Enter your coupon code in the box and click "Apply Coupon", and the additional item priced at $0.00 will appear in your cart.
5. Click "Place Order".
6. Receive the "Thank you for your purchase" confirmation then click "OK".
7. You have received your purchased items with a LOTRO Store coupon code!

If you have any questions or problems redeeming your code, leave a message on this thread, on my message wall, or leave me a PM! :)

Here's this week's free sample!