Tip  How to finish black pearl extremely fast

Javan Forever

Well i hate to be boastful. Thats why im gonna help you guys out. I finished black pearl at lvl 28. If u want to complete that long tiring quest at my lvl or even less, that these simple instructions. #1 always have a loyal cre to help u, although i did everthing on my oen :(. #2 try to unlock at least 2 people a day in the begining, so u cant come down to doing the last set which is kinda long then when u r finally done, plz get a crew at least 4 or more people, then the perrson who has more sailing skills, let em have the wheel, i learned that the hard way :D. when u do finish all that and return to jack sparrow u get the leadership skill is sailing. hope u liked my thread :)
Back before the Pearl Battle came out this would have been good info for me but now it would just get my guys deleted even faster lol
Great tips, Javan! But to tell you the truth, for me, the whole point of finishing the Black Pearl quest is to be able to "steer" the Black Pearl itself. I would not expect to finish the Black Pearl without mastering sailing or at least close to it. And I would not be able to get that far in defeating the quest without being close to master at least one weapon. I think they go hand in hand. It's kind of odd that we could finish the quest, yet we are not strong enough to fight those Navy soldiers at the beginning or not strong enough to keep the Black Pearl healthy until we beat the Goliath. That's just for me though. I like to do most of the quest 'by myself' too (whenever it permits), except for sinking ships, of course I need a crew (but I'd be the Capt) to sink whatever I need to in order to finish the quest. That's why the 'logical' level to reach complete the Black Pearl Quest with the reward of Leadership in sailing is level 30 and up.
1) Get a large crew
2) Use lots of fury
3) Most experienced sailor steers the BP

Basically what it boils down to, thanks for the tips though.