Sea Shanties


Shamus The Brute

This here be a thread devoted to (pirate) songs, ballads, & sea shanties!
:pirate ship:
Best be posting 'em here...all ye buccaneers, scallywags, and pirates of the seven seas. ~

I actually don't like the group who performs this song to be honest, their version of this song seems to be pretty good though i guess.
Thought this was quite hilarious, had to share.​
"It’s the 19th century. You’re a young man seeking adventure and a test of your manhood. You decide to sign up on a ship to see exotic foreign lands. You take the trip to the coast. You find a big coastal town and you walk through the docks admiring the ships. Finally, you spot one that you like. You walk on deck and a tall man dressed in black coat confronts you. It’s the captain.

“What do you want lad?”

“I want to sign on board sir,” you say.

He looks you up and down, and says “Aye. But first I need to give you a test.”

You’re not worried. You were expecting this and, in fact, hoping for it. You want to show the captain what you can do. After all, you were always the strongest out of all your friends. You could climb up any rock or tree since you learned how to walk. And you also knew a bit about navigation from your grandfather. You were eager to show what a great addition to the crew you’d make.

“How well can you sing?” the captain asks. "