Upsides to POTCO Closing

Call me crazy, but I think there are some upsides to POTCO closing. Here is my list of them.
  • another remake (now known as TLoPO) being created. I know that another remake development has had a lot of ups and downs, but now that the project has merged with TLoPO, I feel that development will be quicker and smoother. The game will feature things that POTCO didn't have, such as: You can make up to 6 pirate characters and everyone has Unlimited Access.
  • POTCO closing has brought people together with a common goal. POTCO closing has brought people together in an attempt to revive the game, and hopefull TLoPO will fulfill that quest.
The following "upsides" that I truly hope occurs is that past POTCO hackers/modders might possibly:
  1. Not take advantage/take for granted a game to which they obviously enjoyed
  2. Not take advantage of other players whom sincerely enjoyed the same game as they did
  3. The life-long lesson of "if you truly want something that is not yours, you do what it takes to ask/gain permission from the person or entity whom owns the thing you most want"
  4. Understand that some people whom share the same interests as you do will hold you accountable for past wrong-doings. It's called tough love and be appreciative that people whom do this have your "best interests" in mind
  5. The understanding that dreams are possible but not at the expense of other people/players. Therefore, make decisions wisely for the BEST INTEREST of others in mind (for the public arrr relying upon you to do nothing less)
  6. The need to rely upon the skills/talents of others so as to not overly pass them off as something you can do simply by your own self
  7. An understanding that community comes first (above all else)
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The following "upsides" that I truly hope occurs is that past POTCO hackers/modders might possibly:
  1. Not take advantage/take for granted a game to which they obviously enjoyed
  2. Not take advantage of other players whom sincerely enjoyed the same game as they did
  3. The life-long lesson of "if you truly want something that is not yours, you do what it takes to ask/gain permission from the person or entity whom owns the thing you most want"
  4. Understand that some people whom share the same interests as you do will hold you accountable for past wrong-doings. It's called tough love and be appreciative that people whom do this have your "best interests" in mind
  5. The understanding that dreams are possible but not at the expense of other people/players. Therefore, make decisions wisely for the BEST INTEREST of others in mind (for the public arrr relying upon you to do nothing less)
  6. Rely upon the skills/talents of others and do not overly pass them off as something you can do by yourself
Thank goodness I doubt anybody is able to bypass our compiler and hack...
The only server mentioned in the thread was TLOPO, and all other servers do not use the same engine or anything.
I'll give you that. However, the future is unknown and while although TLOPO is currently the talk of the land it would be appropriate for future comments made to at least follow the main "objective" of said thread to enhance the discussion. Therefore, single comments made about TLOPO are acceptable but use your best judgment and please keep the overall purpose of the thread in mind. :)
The closure of our game never really made our community come closer. What makes this community to come closer is the love we all had about the game. And the memories we have shared with each other. Despite this and the personal goals that some might have set, the community didn't came closer because of the game being shut down - with everything which that may involve.
The closure of our game never really made our community come closer. What makes this community to come closer is the love we all had about the game. And the memories we have shared with each other. Despite this and the personal goals that some might have set, the community didn't came closer because of the game being shut down - with everything which that may involve.
It has only gotten further apart in my opinion. People argue, complain, etc right and left about anything regarding a POTCO remake. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only that is completely true and valid. People have no one place to congregate anymore. Everyone is split between multiple forums, games, and other sites. POTCO was that one place for the community. Many people have just left the community entirely. I myself have grown further and further apart from many of my POTCO friends. The closing of POTCO really did not strengthen the community at all.
It has only gotten further apart in my opinion. People argue, complain, etc right and left about anything regarding a POTCO remake. Everyone thinks their opinion is the only that is completely true and valid. People have no one place to congregate anymore. Everyone is split between multiple forums, games, and other sites. POTCO was that one place for the community. Many people have just left the community entirely. I myself have grown further and further apart from many of my POTCO friends. The closing of POTCO really did not strengthen the community at all.
Adding onto this, the community was pretty tight in the beginning ( a few weeks after POTCO closed/around the early another remake stages ) but then the community was slowly separated by people looking for a higher place in the community and by arguments.
Adding onto this, the community was pretty tight in the beginning ( a few weeks after POTCO closed/around the early another remake stages ) but then the community was slowly separated by people looking for a higher place in the community and by arguments.
I hold myself accountable for a few of those (unnecessary) "arguments"/inquiries but you know something...when people cannot (or will not) be overly transparent about who they are or tell a few white lies along the way some people's minds begin to race as to WHY and for what purpose. :confused:

This is what most disappoints me as someone interested to see this community expand (and not die out).