Wanted: Pictures of Old Body Types

Jonah Warwrecker

Honorable Pirate
Ahoy everyone,

First off, I would like to thank Davy Darkrage for allowing me to post this. I know this thread will be kind of weird.

I am starting to work on a little project and for this I need all sides of old body types from the game. By this I mean the pirate's front side, left side, right side, and back side. I would prefer if the pirate had no clothes so that I would be able to make an exact copy. Second, if it's possible to have the screenshot zoomed all the way out, or at least where it will capture the full pirate.

Any pictures that meet the following from above is much appreciated.

Thank you.
Here is an old body type. - Was my only hour I could bare with having no UA... Since all the clothing I had was brights and peddler clothing. and just look at my weapons -_-*
Uhm... look in my FB, I have way too many of Neva and other people I've been making signatures for.

Basically almost everyone in FB has old body pics :p
How come Wiki doesn't have anything? or Phase Files?
Hey Rebel, :ahoy:

:) Nice thread you got here! :)

The Dwarf alongside with the Medium were my favorites, unfortunately I never had the chance to test them! :cry:

While I'm not sure what do you want to do with the discontinued body types here's some photos of 'em:

Old Dwarf! Old Skinny! Old Medium! Old Buff!

Let me know if you would like to have the female discontinued bodies as well.

Last but not least, here's a picture of my own pirate:

:furious: Whaaaat??? HOW in the EARTH I died there?? Arrrr!!! :furious:

Old Skinny (Samuel Calicoswain)

Old Med (Sven Lockshot)



Hope these help! I did my best to find the screenshots with the most skin-fitting clothes, but I couldn't find exactly skin-tight screenshots every time.
I am starting to work on a little project and for this I need all sides of old body types from the game.

I am just wondering, is this project you are referring to directly connected with another remake? I am only asking because a another remake (development) update concerns itself with the admittance of implementing "old" body types within the project itself.
I am just wondering, is this project you are referring to directly connected with another remake? I am only asking because a another remake (development) update concerns itself with the admittance of implementing "old" body types within the project itself.
No. This project is not related to another remake in any way.
I had a billion screenshots on my laptop before it exploded in a fiery blast of doom. I knew all those screenshots would have been useful to have someday... Argh! :skullpeak: