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  • hey I'm getting very annoyed with all the drama on abassa please do somthing about it. or I'm gone . they are useing bright red writing
    and not only that they are becoming very rude i well soon write you along letter im not paying you to be abused on freaken game. do somthing about it.. there is young kids on that game they dont have to see that kind of thing.
    Spam Disney with bug reports... We players can't really do much to them because we're equally powerless in POTCO so only thing to do is send bug reports to Disney an report them every time they do something bad.
    im thinking about leaving the game there is so many rude people on here starting things stalking where is the mods to get rid of them ??.
    playing pirates time to level me up .maybe hang with friends who really knows what can happen from one moment to the next.
    first off i dont want to date you. second i think dating on pirates is just stupid who knows you is on the other side. >.>
    and mind you it all happens on abassa sever >< get a life... really
    Jason O'Connell
    Jason O'Connell
    haha, i dont mind dating on the game but i agree... you have no way of knowing who's on the other side..... o.o
    so they only hirer those who have great grammer . thats to bad cus i would of worked hard to help and keep pirates online clean .
    ok so i was wondering how you become a mod im old enough and im always on the game and i see alot of abuse on there and even now.
    there is many kids and even older people being threatened and abused on the game and i want to stop it cus i know there is young ones on there. that dont need any of that. please get back to me . let me know soon . i would be glad to help whoever is in need
    you when you join my ship i say hello that usely means to say hi back. what happened to friendly pirates on here.
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