Guide A Failsafe Guide to Spotting Haunted Bones



Since the implementation of the Hollowed Woods, there's been a lot of excitement generated, especially around the new loot offered; bones!
Now, of course the top bone you want to pick from this new form of currency would be the haunted bones, found only in Loot Skull Chests.
I've selected several choice examples of Loot Skull Chests and how to spot them if you have indeed received a Haunted Bone!

NOTE - While much controversy swirls around Loot Skull Chests and the quality of loot they give, it should be noted that this is NOT a Skull Chest bashing thread, regardless of what you may think.
There are many fine Loot Skull Chests shown below, and I personally don't mind them at all, regardless of what comes inside.

So, with that in mind, peruse the vast array of Skull Chests shown below, looted over a 24 hour period, and you too can master spotting these elusive bones!

Savor it!
haunted bones.jpg

DISCLAIMER - There are no haunted bones in those Skull Chests above! These are some seriously elusive bones for many of us, but that's not gonna stop me! Nor should it discourage any other pirates!
Get out there and bring in some bones!
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Some say he is still hunting for 30 bones to this day..
Well, funny you mention it like that.
Technically speaking, I have 12 haunted bones, so yeah, if yer gonna be that way about it, I'm still hunting them!
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Well, funny you mention it like that.
Technically speaking, I have 12 haunted bones, so yeah, if yer gonna be that way about it, I'm still hunting them!
Ya kinda sound offended. I was just joking around that you got really excited about that single bone, and that it was the last reply in months. Anyways, best of luck to ya.
Ya kinda sound offended. I was just joking around that you got really excited about that single bone, and that it was the last reply in months. Anyways, best of luck to ya.
LOL, that's a LOL! No offense at all mate!