Account randomly banned with no evidence

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I just checked my phone to see an email that my account was permanently banned, but I didn’t see the official reason why. I can’t find the email, but even if I could I still don’t know why I would have been banned unless my account was hijacked and somebody was breaking the rules since I last checked it. As far as I know the last activity on it was me leveling staff at Raven’s Cove and I was banned for 72 hours for autoclicking even though I was literaly in front of my computer and clicking the mouse with no nefarious activity at all. I was looking forward to play potco today, but I can’t even log into the account. When I try it just gives me an error and tells me my account is on hold.
I contacted support and I still haven’t heard from them.
Is this a bug or something?

Edit: I logged into my account at and it says ‘-1 termination evasion’, can somebody explain what this means?
I haven’t received any evidence yet, and I think admins are assuming I have played this game?
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