Ahoy, pirates!

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Sea Legs
Ahoy there, I'm TalisRain22, but my POTCO pirates' name was William.
I'll start by giving a little information about me. I was born on the 12th of March 2001. I started player POTCO when I was 10 with my brothers. They were 8, and 12. My younger brother has just turned 13, while my older brother will be 17 in July.

I live on the island of Mauritius, which is located in the Indian Ocean. I'm a surfer, kitesurfer, bookworm, and guitarist. My older brother is a professional kitesurfer (my opinion, of course.), and our whole family is proud of him. I am following in his footsteps for now, until I overpass him.

Let me tell you how much I love reading. I read quickly, read it deeply, and understand deeply. I really want to become an author! I think the way you can make people so happy just with a book is really amazing, and I want to be able to do that.

I'm also a really calm person, I don't get angry a lot. If someone insults a family member, then I get mad. But if you provoke me, I'll normally shake it off. I have long hair, so I get teased a lot with getting called a girl (I'm a male), but I just shake it off, because it's their opinion, and they can tease me all they want, but I like my hair, and it's not their job to tell me to cut it.

Now let me tell you about my POTCO experience. I started playing in 2012. My brothers and I were always fond of the movie franchise, so naturally, we loved the game. After my time as a normal limited access player, my brothers and I put "Unlimited Access for 3 months" on our Christmas list (hey, we were kids, we believed.), and when Christmas came around, sitting on the tree were 3 letters, each had our name on it and on the inside it said:
"Dear TalisRain22,

I have spoken to my elves and we have agreed to give you what you want. This letter grants you and your brothers permission to get your Unlimited Access to your Pirates of the Caribbean Online for 3 months!

We hope you enjoy it.
With love,
Father Christmas"

We were all stunned at how Father Christmas knew our usernames. It was a Christmas I'll never forget.

After we had all got Unlimited Access, we hopped right on to the game.

A level 14, 12, and 13 set off on their adventure for levelling.

We first created a guild named "POTCO Rocks!", which was for my brothers, and our friends to join.

I went on to buy a War Galleon, my older brother - a War Frigate, and my younger brother - a War Brig. We all sailed separately, but stayed together to help sink big ships.

I remember when I reached level 30 and got my Voodoo Staff, I was so excited. I started levelling immediately.

Shortly after I got level 29 sailing, and level 30 sword skill, our Unlimited Access ran out. We were sad, but happy we got the chance to experience what we had done during those 3 months.

A few days later we had a break from the game as we got bored.

When we decided to play again in December of 2014, we saw that it closed down. We were absolutely devastated. We googled to see what happened, but sadly, we didn't find much.

Late 2015 we read about The Legend of Pirates Online, we were full of joy. Our favorite game was being remade, and this time completely free. We quickly told our parents about it, they were happy for us. We didn't care that we were 12, 14 and 16, we were just glad that it was being remade.

I was lucky enough to have gotten an alpha key, I got so hyped, that I went downstairs to my older brother and told him about it. He congratulated me. But when I tried to open it, it said it wasn't a valid WIN32 application. I was then told that it's because TLOPO doesn't support Windows XP. Of course I was sad, but I was at least glad to know that when the Mac version came out, I'd be able to play. It's now out and I've downloaded it, but another problem occurred. An error. It read:
"Error 900: couldn't connect to account server"
But I've not given up. I'll wait until it's fixed, with no problem. I'm a very patient person.
I got it working, and it's amazing.

So I'm sorry for the long read, but I wanted you to know my experience with the game.

Thanks for reading. :)

TalisRain22 - A.K.A, William.
Take whatcha can, give nothin' back!

This was my introduction on another forum. I am just copying and pasting because I'm too lazy to type a whole new story but there are some extra information added about me.
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