Question Another Angry Cannon Ram Thread


Pirate Apprentice
I remember in POTCO you could use powder keg, throw cold shot over it, and you would have a layer of ice get stuck there. This created a slowdown effect of ships for the rest of the game. It also did some damage to the ships, but it was mostly used for the slowdown effect. Was that meant to be intentional? POTCO never fixed it. I am sure they were aware of it. I'll admit, they were lax on a lot of glitch issues, but it never occurred to me that that was not intentional. Because of the crazy amount of lag that would make the ships skip, I always thought the ice glitch was necessary to get far in the game.

On Monday night, someone told me cannon defense was working, so I wanted to try it. A group of us were going to try to get in together, but only one us could get in at a time. I made it in by myself and decided to just go solo. I didn't think I'd get very far, but I wanted to try it anyway. I instantly thought to use ice glitch the way I remember it, thinking because the game is in beta or whatever and I'm probably super rusty, it was going to be very difficult to get through waves by myself. Except when I tried to do the ice glitch the way I remembered it, it didn't work. Instead, it turned out all I had to do was shoot cold shot, and the ice just stuck. This didn't slow the ships down, but it did a massive amount of damage, especially when the ice was stacked. I will admit, that was definitely an exploit. I barely had to do any work once I got enough ice down. I was going through waves without even having to pay attention to the screen. Once I got the revenant ram at like wave 98 or whatever, I quit the game, but I could have kept going on for who knows how long.

However, the very next morning, there was apparently an update and the ice glitch got fixed. I wanted to take advantage of this exploit on another pirate, so I started a cannon defense game early in the morning, and solo'd it. Except this time, the ice glitch didn't work. The ice was disappearing the way it should, but it still didn't slow them down. I figured, OK, fine, I'll do it the legal way. It's not like I'm not good at cannon defense, I can get pretty far by myself. I got up in there early in the morning and got to wave 99 by myself before I got disconnected. I would have kept going until I got revenant ram. I spent five hours sitting down, hungry, hands cramped, just trying to get the revenant ram. I didn't get the revenant ram I was looking for, but I got a lot of other cool rams. Now, bare in mind that fire storm didn't work the right way (it would only hit one ship), cold shot didn't work the right way (didn't slow them), and powder keg only worked about half the time (you would shoot it into the water and it wouldn't appear). I relied on my aim, using round shot all the way through. I earned every one of those rams that I got.

How can TLOPO staff justify taking away everyone's cannon rams away even though they may have been obtained in different and "legal" ways? Was the ice glitch the reason they did this? Or was there more than one factor that played a part?
Just gonna drop this off here....


Now please, move on.
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Wouldn't you rather work for your rams and stuff rather them being handed to you by a broken mini game?
Like I mentioned in the post, the first round was definitely exploit city for me, but the second round on Tuesday morning was hard work and then some. Because like I also mentioned if you read my post, fire storm, cold shot and powder keg didn't work right or hardly worked. I put five hours into cannon defense on that day. My hands were cramped and I was hungry because I couldn't leave the computer to go eat. I was dedicated. But honestly, to answer your question, I wouldn't care. I don't really like cannon defense that much. I wanted revenant ram for other aspects of the game that I do enjoy.
I would like to say that it is disappointing that the rams are gone but I'm not angry, I understand that it was easier to get rams than it was in POTCO. Like many I had 3 rams in my inventory from fishing and sailing, got 2 from fishing and one sailing plus more that I didn't keep. These rams were not the great ones I hope to eventually get but still would have been useful. I was unaware that CD was working until yesterday when I read the release notes saying they had fixed many CD bugs this made me excited to check it out and last night I did. I was happy to see that it was working and at first all seemed normal but as the waves went on my LVL ceased to progress and none of the ammo types became available beyond the fire shot. Being that I was the only person playing at that location at the time this seemed to me to be making it more difficult and not easier but as the waves went bye I found that I could continue to clear them with round shot and did so to LVL 74 before losing. I think that my experience was that it was actually more difficult than my POTCO ones on CD where I played generally with 2 other players. It was clear to me however that it was way too easy for a solo player to reach those high LVLs. In the end I've lost The Bayou Dagger, Shark Fang Throwing Knives and a rare blunderbuss that I dumped in order to keep rams before CD opened and then lost the 3 rams in my inventory of which only one was from CD, I did land one keeper on CD. It's a bummer but... Beta!!! I think that there really were only three choices for the developers: 1) Remove all the rams. 2) Roll back the data base. 3) Do nothing but disable CD and let ppl keep their ill gotten gains. The second choice seems very unfair to any players that spent much time doing things other than CD so we can toss that idea out. I think it's 50/50 on which of the remaining choices I would pick and they chose the first and so we should support that decision.
I understand but everyone had the rams and you really didn't have to do anything to get them. I'm honestly glad they took them away so everyone had to play the game to get them.
I was wondering what happened to my ram. Thanks, "exploiters"! :madbro: Spent an hour fishing to get mine. Got a cheap one today in ship loot-hope it stays in my inventory til i get a better one. Did any other weapons get taken away as well? I got that god awful ugly (but effective) three barrel pistol when I completed the quest and it is gone too?!
I was wondering what happened to my ram. Thanks, "exploiters"! :madbro: Spent an hour fishing to get mine. Got a cheap one today in ship loot-hope it stays in my inventory til i get a better one. Did any other weapons get taken away as well? I got that god awful ugly (but effective) three barrel pistol when I completed the quest and it is gone too?!
I believe that it is only rams and Party Hats that were removed from inventories.