Suggestion Attach logs with crash reports


Wanted Pirate
In the past few days I've seen people telling anecdotes about how certain actions are causing them to crash consistently with zero attachments. The actions you took leading up to the crash certainly do help, but it may be something unrelated. It's like being on the phone with tech support regarding an error with a GPS unit you have and not telling them the error number you are getting.

The logs are a treasure trove of information to the developers, listing exactly what is happening in the game moment by moment, with the last few lines being of high importance when it comes to diagnosing the problem you are having.

To have the best chance of your problems being resolved as quickly as possible from the developers, always attach the logs. They should be in a folder titled "logs" where the game is installed. On windows, this location defaults to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TLOPO
or in the case of being installed on a 32-bit version of Windows
C:\Program Files\TLOPO