Auto white-list accepted write-in names.

Would you like to see this feature implemented?

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So I was thinking while saying "arrr" for the umpteenth time when trying to refer to my friend: Why are write-in pirate names not whitelisted upon being accepted? It seems odd that while these names are deemed safe enough to wear over our heads, we are unable to use them in chat.

I'm thinking that it wouldn't be too hard to write something that would add these names to the whitelist automatically.

Hello Ladies and Gents, Id like to propose an idea I had to see if its any good. If it is then it could be easier on all of us tlopo players.

First I'd like to start off with a scenario that at least some of us are familiar with. You have just created a new pirate and the name that you picked for it has been approved. Great! Then as you join a guild or interact with others in the game you find that your name, or at least part of it isn't whitelisted in the chat. Without it being whitelisted people now cant say your name which can be confusing for both yourself and the people who are trying to interact with you. Why do I bring up this scenario you ask? Well my answer is that my idea can be at least a step to fixing this issue many of us have ran into.

For an example take both my name and a friend of mine: Xervyn, and William Burke. The first question you might ask yourself is well William is approved so whats the problem? To which id reply You're completely right, William is approved however Burke is not and with the vast amount of Williams in the game it can be confusing and if someone wants to refer to me by my full name in game for whatever reason they have to come up with some variation of words that resembles Burke. Then in Xervyn's case he cant be mentioned by name in game, he can only get a few nicknames that can either closely resemble his name or they're so vague that he has to guess if they mean him or not.

My idea is to create a system that when a name is approved, this system will scan the chat whitelist and if it doesn't see any part of the name in the whitelist it automatically adds the name that was missing to the whitelist possibly removing this problem altogether.

Some of the pros and cons I see with this proposal are:


  1. No more having to request your name to be added to the Whitelist
  2. Less work for game devs and admins once implemented
  3. Hopefully no more situations that I mentioned above
  1. It can be seen as not much of a priority
  2. Possible bugs when implementing (of course)

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to reply to this thread, or start a conversation with me, and if you could respond to my poll that would be amazing as well!

William Burke
Great idea! I don't think it would be that challenging to implement. If the custom name is accepted by a moderator, the name should be scanned for using a looping method in the whitelist. If it doesn't exist, it's added to the whitelist. Otherwise, it isn't added. This would be an efficient method of adding names to the whitelist. Rather than adding them manually, accepted names can be added automatically thus saving a little time.

If the name consists of multiple words, they're broken up into separate strings and the name is searched for word by word. Let's say your new pirates name is Captain Xervyn Burke, for example. Upon the names acceptance by a moderator, the algorithm will commence. It'll scan for Captain, it exists - no problem. The following second and third scans would result in the words Xervyn and Burke being added to the whitelist.
This is a great idea! When I first joined, my pirate name (same as my forums name: Malia) wasn't whitelisted either. Everyone had to call me Ma for a month. You're right that this isn't the biggest priority, but they'll wanna fix this issue eventually, and it seems like your solution could be implemented fairly easily.
This is a great idea! When I first joined, my pirate name (same as my forums name: Malia) wasn't whitelisted either. Everyone had to call me Ma for a month. You're right that this isn't the biggest priority, but they'll wanna fix this issue eventually, and it seems like your solution could be implemented fairly easily.
Im glad you think its a good idea :thumbsup: I'm hoping this idea will be implemented at sometime in the near future if the devs think its good
This could definitely prove to be an innovative and useful addition to the game if implemented. I hope this post gets some attention from the devs as well as some consideration. As you said, it could definitely make all of our lives much easier in the situations described.