Black Pearl Crew....and what they mean (to me)


Honorable Pirate
It's been a long time since I've seen the earlier POTC movies, but that would only matter if this was factual and serious. Spoiler: it's not. Enjoy, nonetheless

1. James Pidgely: I remember, as a young basic lad, I would make multiple pirates just to do this quest line because I had nothing better to do. When I finally got paid to mow the lawn every now and then, my reward was 10 bucks. Guess what I spent it on? Yup, membership cards from CVS, the only place near me that has those. The thing is, it's a good thing the Navy is the dumbest lot in the ocean. I mean, only officers noticed his face? You would think since he's, you know, a very well known assassin that people would recognize him without papers, and we certainly know that the Navy in those days would not hesitate to bend the rules, or stage his crime, to persecute him. Or maybe perhaps that he had information leading to the arrest of Hillary Clinton, and just hasn't announced it yet. Who knows

2. Gordon Greer: Anytime where the most annoying quest lines comes from the person that you're not recruiting, you know it's gonna be a long day. In this case, doing the Navy's job. And looting Navy ships to bring back rum and honey for....a Navy officer? Yeah, that is weird. This questline just looked like it was rushed and not well thought out. Greer stole some eggs from his sister? Steal some from the Navy...even though her husband is a Navy Lt. This never made sense...

3. Hendry Cutts: Hey dude, I would've helped you escape your wife with no payment whatsoever, just saying

4. Nill Ofrill: Aside from the stereotypical name for a bankrupt dude in debt, pretty interesting storyline. It might just be me and loving poker, but it started off great when I got that first quest. We finally have a reason to go into the cellar at Rumrunner's, and we never go back. Ever. Seriously, why go there? Anyways, great storyline, but points taken off because of Andrew Bowdash. Nut jobs are not fun to run errands for.

5. Doc Grog: Oh, yes. Any POTCO veteran will tell you one thing about Doc that everyone can agree upon. His quests are BAD. And it's the devs fault, not him. Let me give you an example. The first quest he gives you on the recruiting tale is that he needs an Eye of the Kraken (this was before they updated the story quests), which can be found on a Navy Galleon. You know how long it took me to find this? 2 hours. 2 STINKIN HOURS. The drop rate of that on the ship was extremely low. I found the map to find the Black Pearl in only 10 minutes. And his other quests? So many things, so far spread out. Yes, he makes you use the game and love it, but come on, I just wanna advance the story. Around this time was also when you were working on getting your grenades, and everyone knows how fun that is. Bad timing.

6. Gunner: Another stereotype character. No, not his name due to his cannoneering, but because of his situation. Some rich dude claims he stole from him, and there's nothing the defendant can do about it but kiss his ring. I almost got drunk at so many references to rum, it was ridiculous. Also, here's a thing: why can't we steal voodoo rum because it's cursed, but we can make it by stealing the ingrediants? It just makes no sense. Does the rum not have any memory or what? I guess voodoo rum never got taught the birds and the bees.

7. Scary Mary Lash: All I have got to say this, CURSE YOU DISNEY, FOR UPDATING THE STORY LINE FOR MAKING ME GO TO PERDIDA SO MANY TIMES. I hate that place... So. Many. Wasps. The old story line was you had to maroon around 10 Navy officers to find out where she is, then find her belongings buried by a waterfall. Now, you have to bribe her to go. Meh.

8:. Giladoga: Truely, the forgotten crew member no one cared about. And it will and should stay that way.

9: John Smith: Last but not in the least, in the slightest, is John Smith. He automatically loses points for even talking to Andrew Bowdash, nevertheless be hired by him. He should know to not work for a lunatic. All that aside, my favorite quest line. Sinking ships is my favorite thing to do on POTCO, and it's utilizated heavily here. Killing crabs every 10 minutes, not that great. Meh. But it does make me hungry.
Begging your pardon Alvis. Scary Maria will be waiting for ye. The cursed storyline is present. Cue the organ "Funeral for a Friend" by Chopin