Bug Reports on too many new threads


Honorable Pirate
Look, fellas, the devs asked us to all post bugs and glitches in the one new post line for a reason. I'm only bringing this up because as a play slot user, I prefer to know what issues are being invested in the game before I go on so I can be aware.

It's making it a heck of a lot more difficult to investigate for everybody when you make a brand new thread over and over, and 16 of them are for the same thing. I've got like 6 pages full of red (unread) threads here.

Please please pleeeeease.... for the sake of the entire community, use the Beta thread we were given. I assure you, it will be seen...and it probably has a higher likelihood of being seen because people don't have to go searching the forum world for it.
Think I'm crazy for posting? Look at the bottom of this...it's the bottom of the thirteenth page of threads, all since December 9 (which was eleven days ago!!). It's getting a bit ridiculous, mates.

I have noticed the problem with too many glitch threads. It is much more convenient to post on the Mega thread not just for the devs but for other players too. That way if players have found a way around a glitch they can respond on that thread and we all will be able to find that solution. Sure it can be difficult to keep up with that thread to find such solutions but it is easier than having to go through hundreds of threads.
People feel like they won't be seen. But in fact, they will be seen if they post on the megathread as some have given up trying to keep up with the 5 new threads per 25 mins.