Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (video clips)

i play MW3 i like
i never played story mode though x) i just play multiplayer with my friends ( me and my 2 other friends against 10 computer enemies )
I hate people who quick scope that's the only thing I hate about modern warfare games. In Mw2 I was about to get a nuke and then someone quick scoped me.
Quick scoping makes no sense, lol. In reality no one would ever just zoom in really fast then zoom out then shoot.
Online is too hard for me so I play story mode (it's hard too), so I play special ops, except the missions on special ops are too hard so I play survival. :lol1:
2.0? There was already a modern warfare 1 and 2. I honestly admit that the second one was my all time favorite of the three.
Call of duty is a pretty good series but MW3 shouldnt have been released how it was in the middle of its development infinity ward fired half there staff and stopped working on it for a couple of months and then they teammed up with i think it was hammer studios and rushed to finish it, this game is essentially a reskin of MW2 with a new game mode and a couple of new weapons
I thought i was the only one who played mw3 on forums lvl 80 prestige 15 7 weapons on gold msr mp7 pp90 m4a1 p90 acr and mk14
I play that and i play online as well. :)And it has good weapons that i like.
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