
Th’ seas have turned green! Why, ye ask? Well, that be me fault. A long story best told another time. However, some good be comin’ from it; it be a perfect backdrop fer arrr celebration of St. Patrick’s Day!

The Brethren Court be bringin’ ye a great celebration this year, mates! Peddlers be stocked with a very limited number o’ St. Patrick’s Day outfits. Get yers quick, afore they be all gone! Not wantin’ to lose out on the profits; ahem, holiday spirit, tattoo artists across th’ Caribbean arrr offerin’ exclusive St. Patrick’s Day tattoos! But mark ye well! Th’ green ink be hard t’ come by and so the tattoos be limited.

Last but certainly not least; even th’ bloody barbers be gettin’ in on the profits, I mean, celebrations! Back by popularrr demand, GREEN HAIR! Ye know ol’ Cap’n Graves will be sportin’ green hair fer months after this, har har! Like th’ tattoos, the dye is limited in quantity an’ so they can’t sell it forever, get it quick!

With such fantastic celebrations, ye be sure as shootin’ that I be celebratin’ as much as possible. Especially b’tween Marrrch 2nd - 28th, until 11:59 PM (EST), as that be th’ dates of celebration! Take what ye can, and give nothin’ back!
Was kinda hoping sense Christmas had green hair maybe make st. Patrick's day have gold hair but eehhh greens fine
Th’ seas have turned green!
Th’ green ink be hard t’ come by and so the tattoos be limited.
Back by popularrr demand, GREEN HAIR!
I myself turned a smidgen green back in the glory days.

It's not enough to call me fully green, but just enough to not get me pinched on St. Patrick's Day!
However, I do not recommend pinching rocks in the first place...
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Let some moss grow on ya Mood Rock
You can see some green areas on me in the picture where I started to grow moss.
In time, I should be green enough to suit a leprechaun!
However, they can make me fully green for Saint Patrick's Day if they wanted to.