Suggestion Change to how sailing xp currently works


Honorable Pirate
Being a sailor myself, I notice that the experience when sailing is reversed to how it was in the previous game.
In Potco, sailing experience was based solely on being captain of the ship and sinking ships with gunners, and the more gunners the faster you can sink the ship for faster rep, making sailing relatively easy to level.
I'm tlopo, sailing experience seems to be based on broadside hit count, not sailing.
Since this game is a recreation of the original Potco game, I suggest that the experience from sailing be fixed in the way it was in Potco, based on high level ship sinks not hit count.
Actually, it seems about the same to me. Cannoneers' hits only count when Open Fire is enacted, since that's the only thing the captain does that affects the damage done by cannons. Broadsides are the only other thing that the captain does that affect sailing rep.

I've still gotten pretty good rep sailing. We can't count on cannoneers to get it all for us at the wheel.
Being a sailor myself, I notice that the experience when sailing is reversed to how it was in the previous game.
In Potco, sailing experience was based solely on being captain of the ship and sinking ships with gunners, and the more gunners the faster you can sink the ship for faster rep, making sailing relatively easy to level.
I'm tlopo, sailing experience seems to be based on broadside hit count, not sailing.
Since this game is a recreation of the original Potco game, I suggest that the experience from sailing be fixed in the way it was in Potco, based on high level ship sinks not hit count.
it was always hit based even in potco but i dont believe that rep for the command skills are actually counting towards rep and that i believe it should be changed to give bonus rep
I'll have to admit that there is a bug with sailing rep, at least for some players. When Toothless (my dad) is sailing solo, as he usually does, he gets around 5 to 20 rep for sinking even the toughest ships singlehandedly, which seems like too few rep points for such valor. Me on the other hand have sunk less than a quarter of the same ships and have leveled higher than him.
But I also notice this about loot, if one is to believe everything a pirates claims... like how every time a Loot Skull is won, someone inevitably exclaims how they got legendary and famed weapons, when all I usually get is a nice, reliable Cabin Boy's cutlass or a snap-lock pistol...
Savor it!
Actually, I have to concur with the OP, I've noticed that ships that would give me 115 rep alone give me around 90 rep before the crew bonus.