Graphics Problem Changing graphics


So I tried changing my display in the options, for those interested I tried 1440x900, and everything seemed to be oke. The screen changed and was how I wanted it to be. Then I tried to play and the loading screen stopped at 50%.

This is the output given by the command promt about the game: (not sure if usefull or not)

Then I restarted the game, tried resetting the settings, but this always keeps comming. Next thing I'll try is reinstalling but I'll be able to test it only next playtime ^^ (unless people can already tell me how to fix it, which could be usefull)
Hmm oké, thanks :) thought it was with changing the settings since it said "cannot configureren "scale"...." But let's hope it'll be fixed Soon then :)
I had this same problem, to avoid this you have to manually turn down what it says you do not have to restart the game to apply. If something tells you that you need to restart the game for the changes to take effect, undo the change and try a different one, do that until you have turned down everything you can without needing to restart the game. I hope this helps.