Disney Infinity...ENDS!?!

What the heck is going on out there?!?

  • This news is the beginning of a ZOMBIE apocalypse!

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • This news makes me SAD!

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • This news makes me GLAD!

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Where's the Cheez Whiz?

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
One of the most heavily marketed (and corporate-endorsed) game/gaming platform developed by Disney Interactive - Disney Infinity - has ended!?! :hypno:
***Has the world ultimately come to it's end? :confused: What the heck is going on here?!? More importantly, at what point do I shave my head, tear all the clothes that I own, and resort to living on a can of Cheez Wiz for the rest of my life? Mates, I am completely taken back and readily shocked by this news!

Understanding that Disney Infinity served as the spoiled child for Disney at a point-in-time for the company when both mobile and social gaming encompassed Disney's (complete) gaming culture, there was no other game/gaming platform to which Disney poured it's own heart, soul, and money into except - of course - Club Penguin. :rolleyes: As such, I can only say that in light of this news...when the shock does wear off and the adrenaline runs thin...that I might be reminded of just how vocal I have been towards this King of a game which has now died. (In complete and total utter reflection, I do think perhaps a smile :D might actually return back to my face [as the years since D.I.'s implementation that face itself has grown overly stoic with a stupefied expression worn just underneath a few layers of thick epidermis]).

Alas, I'll be truthful here. I sincerely hated Disney Infinity and I felt it to be the completely wrong direction Disney should go with it's own gaming culture. I wonder now, was it wrong for me to think that way? :oops:

With the closing of D.I., it looks as if now there is no current game within Disney's portfolio which implements and focuses upon the Pirates of the Caribbean (POTC) brand. *In hindsight, that is good news for someone like me overly concerned about Disney's want and need to make $money$ off of the POTC brand pertinent to gaming. However as well, it makes feel a bit sad that Captain Jack Sparrow (and others) are not given the amount of adequate attention they deserves as a continual Disney/Disney Interactive intellectual property.

As much as I hate to admit this, such news is a little bittersweet and it makes me wonder how such a popular and specific (game) closing will directly impact Disney Interactive's future (?).

- What do you think?
I did play DI for a while and it is sad to see it shutdown. And apparently Disney wont be making there own interactive games anymore. instead there going to license other companies to make those games instead. I do see legal issues with licenses and all in the future. There were big plans for DI before they said they were closing it. Such an example, would be their plan to have a story line with all the characters involved (I don't mean Toy Box Extension packs). Which would have been cool. Why would they cancel such big plans for the game? Probably because they wanted to put more money towards a much bigger goal than there games.
much bigger goal than there games.
Not sure if everyone is aware of this but apparently Disney is planning on shutting their gaming department down. As you can see by the shutdown of POTCO and Toontown, they don't see much profit from it.