Enemy ship damage

William Firesword

Honorable Pirate
So I was watching some old gameplay footage from 2011 potco and I noticed the enemy ships did drastically less damage to player ships. Currently they deal far more damage than they ever did. I can't even sail alone anymore it seems like without taking a lot of damage. Is this an intentional thing or just something that is yet to be fixed?
Is this the boat you're using?
Jk... kind of..
But what are you sailing? I actually from the start with my light sloop was surprised at how easy the enemies were, except hunters and war ships which completely wreck you with one broad if you're not careful..
Is this the boat you're using?
Jk... kind of..
But what are you sailing? I actually from the start with my light sloop was surprised at how easy the enemies were, except hunters and war ships which completely wreck you with one broad if you're not careful..
I'm actually using a tier 2 cargo war brig. From full health I took one broadside from an EITC war sloop and died
I'm actually using a tier 2 cargo war brig. From full health I took one broadside from an EITC war sloop and died
Corsairs were dangerous like that in potco too. They could one shot you just like in tlopo. You need to learn to deal with enemies that have explosive broadsides; Corsairs, Juggernauts, and SOTL. The big difference between potco and tlopo is the enemy ship speed. Corsairs have been my favorite enemy ship in tlopo as Juggernauts were in potco. I hope they will not be nerfed so that unsuspecting players can walk up to them and walk away, such players need to be sunk until they figure it out. One more thing about Corsairs and Juggernauts is that they are much more common in tlopo than they were in potco.
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