Feats of Strength 2012 Details (05/30/12)


Wiki Staff
The Feats of Strength Competition is coming up this weekend! The event runs over three days: Friday, June 1 to Sunday, June 3.

Thanks to all brave Pirates who signed up to compete - make sure you double-check your
race day, time, and Ocean (server) in last week's schedule postings here on the Blog.

With no further delay, here are the event details for our competitors:

Challenge #1 - Starting Line:

Competitors will meet on Devil's Anvil at their designated start time (All times posted are PST/Los Angeles) and at their designated Ocean on the correct day.
(Example: Gilded Lily (44) Golden Guild, June 3, 2:40pm, Guines)

Officially listed competitors ONLY should check in with the Marceline Guild GM that is located there to start your
race. You can identify them by the icon above their heads:

The GM will then whisper a pass phrase AND location to only the competitors. Be prepared to memorize or write both down - and hang on, mate! If you leave before the GM says "GO", you will be disqualified.

The GM will put you on yer mark, get you set, and when the GM says "GO" the race is on!

Challenge #2 - The Race:

Do your best to get to the location the GM told you. Swift Foot potions, sailing, and teleporting are all fair game!

When you get to the correct location, type your pass phrase in the chat window. Pretty much YELL IT OUT!

An invisible Ghost GM will be at the correct location and will hear your cries! If you are at the right spot and have spoken the correct pass phrase, the Ghost GM will whisper to you a riddle. Mark well the GM's words, mate - this riddle contains clues to the final leg of the race: the Finish Line!

Challenge #3 - The Finish Line:

The home-stretch! Decipher the riddle given to you and make your way to that final location using the riddle as your clue.
Once you are standing on the exact spot from the clue, yell out your pass phrase again and use the emote /flex in front of the Marceline GM at the Finish Line. Flexing is your finishing move.

The GM will acknowledge the First, Second and Third place winners of the race at the Finish Line.

GMs will be monitoring all areas of the course. Some GMs may be visible while others may not be, but they will be watching all competitors closely and checking for any sign of cheating. Any cheating or disrupting other racers will disqualify you.

All Pirates are welcome to watch and support friends and Guild mates. Any alternates to replace no-shows will be selected from the crowd at hand. Please keep your weapons stowed during the event. Pirates that harass competitors or GMs or interfere with the course in any way will be removed from the game.

Good luck, mates!
