Fine Bros Trademark 'REACT'

so i take it that you unsubbed?

.. i thought it was funny/interesting that they apologized for "the confusion." they "confuse" us and we become irrational and within subs...
I didn't unsub yet. I'm waiting to see where this is headed. And yes, I agree that it only confused us even more. What a shame lol
i'm cuious who else they got backlash from...

wow. i thought they;d remove the REACT World vid but not the initial "sorry for confusing you" video.
does that mean they only decided to rescind AFTER they posted, as in that excuse wasn't enough to let them slide???
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Saberspark 's reaction video pretty much put YT in a nutshell "The Fall of YouTube (TheFineBros Incident)".

If the Fine Bros seriously weren't wanting to monopolize the Reaction concept/market in a pyramid like scheme, then I hope they're able to regain the trust from their former subs and bounce back.

...Lesson Learned, Internet?
i'm cuious who else they got backlash from...

wow. i thought they;d remove the REACT World vid but not the initial "sorry for confusing you" video.
does that mean they only decided to rescind AFTER they posted, as in that excuse wasn't enough to let them slide???

I think they decided to rescind after they lost over 170,000 subs and saw all the videos from other YouTubers complaining about their trademarks and the problems on YouTube.

Let's hope they understand why everyone is so upset with them.
Good, I'm glad they are not trying to control the react market anymore, considering they were going to go down hill very quickly if this continued, it was a smart move on their part to recant everything.