Fishing Frenzy Starts Friday! (08/15/12)


Wiki Staff
Enjoying a lazy end of summer in the Caribbean? No better way to spend it, mates, than a fishing frenzy!

From this Friday, August 17 through the end of Sunday, August 19, catch the most fish and earn a rich reward.
We’ll award the top 50 Pirates who reel in the biggest catch of fish over the entire three-day competition:

  • All 50 winners will each receive 15,000 gold coins.
  • The top 10 winners with the most fish caught will also receive
    2 weeks of complimentary Unlimited Access
    on top of that!
NOTE: Prizes will be awarded through e-mail. Make sure your e-mail address is current on the Pirate’s account you’re competing with by clicking here!

If you're new to Caribbean fishing, just find Old Greg at the end of the docks on Port Royal to buy your first fishing rod and lures. Then make your way to any of the fishing spots on the docks of Port Royal, Tortuga and Padres del Fuego to start reeling 'em in! As with weapons, you have a Fishing notoriety that you advance in while catching fish. The more reputation points you accumulate while fishing, the further you'll progress in your Fishing notoriety.
Before you know it, you'll find yourself launching your own Fishing Boat to catch even those slippery Legendary Fish!


Fishing Frenzy Competition
When: Friday, August 17 thru Sunday, August 19
Where: Docks of Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres
del Fuego, and Fishing Boats

And while hooking all those exotic fish, yer also earning gold and loot to boot!
Best of luck, and we hope to hear a fish tale or two from you...
Another competition.... just what everyone wanted...
I think that "lazy summer" is their excuse for I'm sorry we didn't release any new content for 4 months. :mad: Why so many competitions? Just release something to test and give it time for testing? Why such the long wait? Are they waiting for the petition to be sent to them or something and then they will release something new? :fight:
That very first question, sounded like they know they are doing a lazy job in the game development...

Really, how long has it been since something was added. There hasn't even been a confirmed hint yet. I see this month as going by with nothing and another month would be testing (IF something was to be added) so I guess what ever they do better be big or the other thing could be a closure announcement... Right now it's as if they have no developers working in the game at all. These events and contests can be run by almost everyone with some computer skill in my opinion and it sure isn't worth $10.
omg guys! I THINK THIS WILL BE REALLY FUN! Aww... you guys have no use of this because you all have " gold " and " unlimited " Some people dont, this will be a fun event when you say " we dont want this " your really just speaking for yourself and few others... -_-
I feel a need to speak up here...
Mateys, I do hear :piratemickey:what everyone is saying...& believe you me...I understand the frustration!!! But, there comes a point to where even pirates need to decide for themselves the kind of "attitude" they will carry towards future POTCO happenings. *It simply comes down to choice.

About the lack of POTCO content...Ye mates arrrr absolutely right! Ye have every right to be feeling anxious (or impatient) as content added to the game this summer has remained virtually nonexistant! But please do remember that for every 10 things "good" & 1 thing "wrong"... human behavior will often lean towards the 1 thing wrong because it gives everyone something to talk about.

Now before anyone decides (lol) to shun me, I do admit that I am within agreement that POTCO does have more than one thing wrong with it. *But, let's give them a break guys. Heck, at this pace at least it's good to hear (& to understand for ourselves) that they are kicking & still ALIVE, lol. :excited:

*I view this contest ('mumbles softly') as a positive step on Disney's part to reach out to a pirate demographic often denied; the "basic" player. :D
LOL Shamus The Brute, i think Potco is at 10 things bad and 1 thing good right now... So were not leaning towards the one thing lol

Anyway, i dont have a problem with this contest. But contests like this should be as a bonus when something is added... Good Luck to all who participate.