Idea Fleet Mechanic

Brielle Bardman

Hey, I'm not sure how possible this is but I think it would be really cool if a fleet mechanic was implemented. It would function just like a crew but instead of pirates, it would be ships working together. You could click on a players ship name and send a fleet invite. You could receive bonuses for attacking the same enemies and maybe have a way to communicate across ships.
I would love to see a form of communication between pirate ships in the future. This new mechanic would allow for higher efficiency when looting or sinking large groups of ships, as you can discuss tactics within the fleet chat to sink ships faster.

Another interesting addition could be a "Ship profile" showing a ship's design, upgrades and *"specs" when you click on it. From there, you should be able to invite it into your fleet.

* such as how many broadsides or cargo slots it has.

A few questions and concerns I'll highlight:
  • What bonuses would be added for assembling a fleet? (Eg: % boost in rep?)
  • What if my ship and crew didn't fire at a ship but my fleet sunk it, is loot equally divided?
  • Is fleet chat similar to crew/guild chat? If so, there has to be another form of public ship chat when you're in the radius of a nearby ship.
  • Fleet chat will be chaotic if all crew members are allowed to speak, could there perhaps be "fleet officers and captains" who can chat while the rest of the crew is able to view?
I would love to see a form of communication between pirate ships in the future. This new mechanic would allow for higher efficiency when looting or sinking large groups of ships, as you can discuss tactics within the fleet chat to sink ships faster.

Another interesting addition could be a "Ship profile" showing a ship's design, upgrades and *"specs" when you click on it. From there, you should be able to invite it into your fleet.

* such as how many broadsides or cargo slots it has.

A few questions and concerns I'll highlight:
  • What bonuses would be added for assembling a fleet? (Eg: % boost in rep?)
  • What if my ship and crew didn't fire at a ship but my fleet sunk it, is loot equally divided?
  • Is fleet chat similar to crew/guild chat? If so, there has to be another form of public ship chat when you're in the radius of a nearby ship.
  • Fleet chat will be chaotic if all crew members are allowed to speak, could there perhaps be "fleet officers and captains" who can chat while the rest of the crew is able to view?
So yeah, I think a percent boost in reputation would be good. The percent could increase when the fleet increases. I do think there should be a cap on a number of ships that can be in a fleet otherwise every ship on the sea could be involved.

I don't think a ship should receive a reward if they did not participate in sinking the ship. It would be unfair.

I have no clue how a fleet chat would work but a nearby radius seems smart to me.

I completely agree. I think it should just be captains of the ships and then everyone else can see it so they are able to make comments and suggestions to their own captain.
I think I suggested something like this a long while back lol. As far as the chat should go it should just be between the captains of the ships. Captains will just have to be in two groups. They will be in there crew and then they will be in their fleet. The chat for its should not be with in a special radius but just within the fleet captains. So basically it would go the captains would have fleet chat and if anything is said in the fleet chat that needs relayed to the crews the ship captains would relay it on in crew chat.