Tip Get the voodoo staff without doing the staff quest.


Honorable Pirate
This one is pretty simple...if you master potions. During the Raven's Cove quest, "Potions for Madam Zigana" one of the bonus items is the burnt staff. You need to master potions first, because level 20 potions is required to obtain the burnt staff, which is the bonus item on the quest. When you finish the quest, if you get the burnt staff and have not yet completed the Voodoo Staff quest, you will be awarded a voodoo staff and the ability to use one.

Even more interesting is that the staff quest is still available to complete, even though it's pretty pointless at this point.:parrot:
Coooool! never thought about it that way, though staff was unlocked for me before Raven's cove quest. And just the thought of waiting to max potions for that rare staff was making me ill. Es is my first pirate, so I know the second time around i'll do some things differently. thanks for the tip!