Give the Gift of Pirates Online November 18, 2011

Captain Redhorn

Site Founder


Here the thread about this from last year: Give The Gift Of Pirating To Yourself And Others ...
Last year Disney Potco said:

"The holidays are upon us and 'tis a time to be thankful and giving.
So give the gift of Pirates Online to yourself and be thankful! Or you could give it to that special Pirate in your life and be thanked."

This year, probably after a few feedbacks (read: critiques), they 'reworded' it so that it sounded more appropriate and piratey. I was among the ones who thought that 'giving the gifts of Pirates Online to ourselves and be thankful' was a 'messed up concept' ... :facepalm:... I could do that 'any' other day ... The whole point of having Thanksgiving is to be thankful for what we have and get from others, and to 'share' blessings with others ...

Anyway, it sounds much better now, even though the event itself is exactly the same as last year. It's all in the words ... how they convey message to us, that makes it sound right or wrong ...

"The holidays ARRre soon upon us here in the Caribbean - the perfect time to give the gift of Pirates Online to those special scoundrels in your life!
Of course, in true Pirate spirit, many will want to take the loot for themselves. In the Caribbean, this is applauded as well, so why not treat yerself to the full adventures of Pirates Online!"

Basically, BUY more cards, and GET SUBSCRIPTIONS from Disney Potco; and it will be Thanksgiving for Disney, as well as for us ... ;)
I have a feeling that since they're encouraging people to buy unlimited now, the long-awaited ship customization update is geting very, very close, possibly (hopefully) next week. :D