Hacker Alert... Please report!

*ALL hackers cheat themselves...
...They cheat themselves out of the opportunity to do "right."

Hackers: I will be doing all that I can to protect those whom are most victimized by POTCO hacks; kids (& young adults)!

Shamus ~
As I've done research, and looked more into this topic, "hackers" receive too much credit for their acts. Most "hackers" just use a simple program to make Panda3D preform an action. They use coded "scripts" they find in all reality, straight from the game itself. The game will reveal its own "scripts" if certain actions are carried out properly. They then sometimes tamper with codes to see what will happen if they change this value, or that word, etc. Most hackers then use these "script" codes to trick people into revealing their information, in a direct way. These people are then labeled with the all to powerful word, "hacker" which makes them sound worse, and scarier then they actually are.

Please notice I italicize "most." There are some actual hackers, who know what their doing. They actually can "hack" you, in a sense. They are ones who do deep digging into game files, and codes to actually access your information indirectly. These people know what their doing, and can accomplish hacking just about anyone they please. But, don't fear. These types of "hackers" are all to rare. Most have better ways to spend their time, and resources then hacking some online game so they can acquire random peoples accounts.

Most of these "hackers" are just bored someones who have nothing better to do, and get a kick out of tricking people into giving away their account, and tampering with the game. Most of these "hackers" are successful because frankly, we let them become successful. Not everyone is well educated into this topic, and will believe just about anything. If everyone could become well educated, most of these "hackers" would never acquire any information, and in the end (hopefully) be stuck with a terminated account.

So please, if you would, don't use the term "hacker." Instead this group of someones needs to be referred to as, "Script Kiddies." This simply lowers the fear factor, and worry associated with the word "hacker." It also adequately names them, for their use of simple "scripts" in the game to trick others. They are doing no real "hacking." Just using a third party program to make Panada3D do what they tell it too. Don't let this group of someones keep getting more attention then they deserve, that's exactly what they want, a name for themselves.
(Points up above)
~ Excuse this thought of "vulgarity"...
...you know a FART is a FART ...
...(no matter how 'silent' nor 'deadly' it smells, lol).
*Really, the issue for me isn't so much what they are "called"...
...nor the (perceived) level of threat...
...but rather...
...the issue of "morality" that is raised...
...as to what they are doing!