Here Ye, Here Ye.....

Molly Ironscarlett

Site Founder
Molly Ironscareltt here.... i will be doing cannon defense for most of saturday and sunday.... i am trying to get anything better than i have :mad: ( Bronze Cannon ram, Gunner's ) any players are invited to come as i will probably taking breaks in between CD bouts. i will also be playing other pirates as the rams keep coming..(Molly, Holly, Masquerade, Madmartigan, and Stella ) hope to see many faces.... :D
sorry, Monada server for as long as i am on today and tomorrow :D

oh sorry, lol, as long as i am on today and tomorrow.....hope that clears that up and i will be on Monada at PDF
i hopped in with Jean Lafitte on another server and got booted after wave 41 got my searing at 39 or 40 they are on padres on monada in and out i think branching out to the other islands as well so stop by
ok well big story short....part suceessful as i was able to replace Bronze cannon ram with Iron Cannon Ram :D picked up a Fiery Ram also....but all in all epic fail as i was not able to get passed wave 40 i believe.... although Sole and Misty made it to wave 42 i salute you as i caught the end of that...sad that Captain Redhorn got the boot and i was i will try again next Saturday, Monada server from 1:00pm pst till 7:30 pst i appreciate all those who showed up and ty for moving this post here didn't know if i could :confused: any who long story short i feel i did ok but i need to focus...and i feel we should have a set ajenda..say a meeting of the minds before we enter the CD my aplogies to anybody who missed sunday as i decided to callit a weekend after Saturdays epic fail...any tips will be massive help as i am looking to achieve high as possible...would like to get Steel Ram, of Rev, Phantom, and Maruader, but will be humble and settle for a Steel ram. My only disappointment is i feel like i am hitting a wall that only a select few can reach as almost every ram i got was chain shot in nature :( (i got cloth and greyhound rams fyi) so i will practice more this week and wth what gives about the end game in CD three out of all the times i played all i got was an old cannon ram...pardon the abrrev. but that is total crap i feel if you get above wave 30 u should at least be given a famed ram....just voicing an see u next weekend... i will try and be meal and laundry free next time :cool:
well wasn't that an epic fail....chose a day with double gold :mad: well maybe nex t weekend.. see you all there :D
i am setting for the same as above.