Hey!, I'm Mack


Hello, nice to meet you, my name is CoolMacknz(or Mack). I am a veteran pirate from the original servers, had tons of fun. When I first heard of TLOPO I came right to it and tried to get into the BETA but had a hard time doing so. Then I waited and waited, until I forgot about it! 😠
But talking to a friend of mine recently made me remember about the good ol' days of POTCO. Then I tried logging on and saw I could play (and my friend could)! :happy:
So, I am a new pirate to TLOPO, named 'Mack' in-game.
I absolutely cannot wait to play TLOPO more. I just called it a night after some fun sailing (that ended in a death sadly, but was still tons of fun) with a friend.
I gotta say my favorite thing about this game is for sure the sailing, you will be seeing me do that a lot.
Speaking of which, feel free to reach out to me! I'd love to go sailing with ya.
My discord is CoolMacknz#9373

See ya!