Hiya, I'm Mrblue630!

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Pirate Apprentice
I'm leaving for a bit!

Before starting to read my thread, I should advise you there's a bunch of stuff in it that's well, pretty crazy, so you may think that I may be fibbing about some of these events. I can tell you, that this is all non-fiction, and if you do think it's fake, then okay, you think it's fake, its your opinion. Just keep it to yourself because I don't really want spam everywhere.

I should of introduced me to you guys on the forums when I first joined, but I couldn't do it, so I might as well now. I'm Mrblue630, and I was a hardcore fan of POTCO, as most of you may be. I played quite a bit, and always was in the mood to do some grinding. Hell, I did myth hunting too. I would often sail around the Uncharted Waters for the Kraken, or look around for Fogbell in the waters as some people said you could see Fogbell's yellowish angler lights. Ever since POTCO closed, I had yearned for a remake, and when Pirates Online Rewritten came along, I (or my two brothers actually, I kept in my shock) exploded with joy and bounced around my room. My brothers are a few years older than me, and were also longtime players of POTCO, but the downside for something like that was they are very bothersome and annoying at times. I was with the Pirates Online Rewritten community as player John Skullcarver, and watched it go through so much, for example, the faked shutdown of another remake and it's recall back into action, and its merge into TLOPO. I was one of the many people that got access to the Test Server in POTCO, and on one fateful day in the Test Servers, something happened. I was walking up to the ship merchant, and when I looked at the menu, there was something interesting. a Ship of The Line was on sale, along with a Phantom, Navy Kingfisher and Black Pearl. I instantly started counting which would be best to buy, and I eventually settled on Black Pearl, but I realised I didn't have the gold for that, only Phantom and SoTL. I then decided to buy the SoTL. I named it Outlaw Rebel and set sail in it. I noted that there was a Black Pearl and another SOTL nearby, and a couple Phantoms. I waited a couple days, and there was an update saying that SoTL, Phantom and the Black Pearl were removed, as they were not meant to be in the Test Server, and it was purely an accident. Most of these ships were removed from players inventories, however I was one of the lucky few who kept an SoTL. I ended up sailing to do some SvS, and I got quite a bit of fame from being on a couple youtube videos (and me filming one on my super-old youtube account) of the SoTL. I could be seen at times doing SvS with other ships (I could handle brigs and frigates quite easily, but the sloops were always one step ahead of me. Sometimes my broadsides would literally fly over sloops and that became a problem, so I opened my ship for crewmembers to join. This, I believe was where one of the first youtube videos about my SoTL was made. Continuing on from that fateful day, I would still play POTCO alot, but I eventually abandoned it temporarily in 2013, however when I returned to play it again, just ONE DAY after September 19, I noticed it was closing. My brothers were bawling. And this leads us all to today, in 2016.
Thanks for listening, guys. Enjoy your day.

Here's a picture from the Internet of a SoTL fighting Outlaw Rebel, my ship, on the left of the picture.

More pictures:



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