Honor Mum's Day in a Pirate Way


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It's dear ol' Mum’s special day this Sunday, so make sure ye mark it well in the Caribbean by sportin' some bonnie ink in her honor! Island Tattoo Parlors carry lovely designs​
for face, arms, and chest – all paying proper Pirate tribute to mumsy in flowers​
and hearts.​
Peddlers too offer their special holiday outfit to wear for that very special lady –​
the beautiful and exotic Wildfire!​
The Wildfire gear is available starting today through Sunday, May 19.​
Peddlers and Tattoo Parlors await yer visit on​
Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres del Fuego, and Cuba.​
Look yer best, and show dear ol' Mum​
how much ye care!​
Upgrade to Unlimited Access to sport​
all Common and Rare clothing and tattoos!​
I can't believe it's Mother's Day Event And I have currently basic access! :excited:
Plus I even haven't got the money for this outfit! :skullpeak:
As for the tattoos, at least, now I have them all! :cool: