How do you do a gold/loot run?


I was just wondering if anybody here could give me tips on how to do a good gold or loot run. Thanks! :D
Hi Kelly(forgive me for this very long answer.....), if you are talking about sailing it depends on level sailing and what ship you are using somewhat, and if you are solo or open to to the care you need to take when you hit the crossbones flag that brings hunters to you. Even low level sailors though can drag a hunter while tagging ships and herding them, circling them and slowing sinking them. Takes skill and patience. In general, go to Raven's cove for lower level ships to group them as I mentioned.(even sentinels and ferrets drop royal chests, sink em all.) On lower pop servers, though, beware that spawns can be very thick and you want to stay on fringes. If you are a higher level or mastered sailor, you should have no problems with the following.....behind padres round up higher level and mid level ships , tagging them, circle and sink. Do this right after you launch from padres. Behind outcast, tormenta area is good too. Focusing skeleton ships is how I use to run it but I get more royals off other types....personal pref. When you get your own hunter just drag it with you. ****Be sure to instruct crew what you are doing! Not to shoot(or sink even) the hunters or warships on your tail!(if you keep them behind you the gunners might ping them but they won't be able to sink them...which would replace your royals)......Or on abassa, join the hunter party at that point for help.(Only if you want to replace royals )...If you have a large cargo ship, and a full can do hunter parties and make lots of gold too. If you have lots of time, try to see how many royals you can get pulling hunter behind you. Tagging everything is what brings in the gold. Of course, the bigger the cargo your ship has, the more gold you can haul. (and loot ofc).

The main thing I see that sinks lower level sailors gold farming is pulling too many ships, higher level ship like a dreadnought or a juggernaut, and corsairs that spawn right beside you..... into their herd, or getting so caught up with those ships(or other sailors hunters) that they don't notice when they have their own hunter and it gets up along their side or rear, or usually the side they aren't focused from with their broadsides,,,and they get massive damage from that one and sink.... distance is always a safe bet, let your gunners do their thing...remember too, you can always run while crew repairs. Or port when you feel you need to.

Round up ships, tag them all, keep distance circling and sink them(or like my dh on abassa, big ship big crew speed demon all over the place letting crew tag every ship on server til full) ready for hunters, know where you will go to farm while dragging it, or sinking ready for warships to come for you(if not mastered and on a weak ship, port or practice kiting it solo while gold farming other ships or in a party that can help sink it. Don't let them come alongside you, don't go thru middle of a hunter party, etc. Gold farming takes a lot of time, and good cargo space...or lots of porting. Don't trash anything that has high sell value...all that gold value adds up.

For other types looting this is a link to a good guide, but you can see all the guides under the thread on forums here.'s_Guide_to_Looting
I was just wondering if anybody here could give me tips on how to do a good gold or loot run. Thanks! :D
Simply sail, either solo or with crew, and sink ships along the way. Avoid sinking hunters and warships, as they will fill you up with ship materials. Instead, sink regular enemy ships until you fill up with loot skull chests or until you're bored. It really doesn't matter which ships you sink of the regular ones, as all of them will drop loot and gold.
You will have lots of loot and gold when finished.

EDIT - Cargo is random and a Viper or Ferret can potentially give you the same good or bad loot as a Death omen or Juggernaut. It doesn't matter what ships you sink.
And, you can run alone or with a crew as it makes no appreciable difference, albeit with a crew you might take less time, as it all depends on what crew you have and how good you are at sailing.

A typical loot run with a crew of 1 gunner and myself should look like the examples below;

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Okay! So, my first tip, would be don't sail by yourself. Have some people crew up with you, for a few reasons, one, you sink ships faster, and two, you can stay out longer.

Now, if you're looking for JUST gold, and not ship materials, it's a bit funny. To start, do the usual, sink ships that are known for good cargo (i.e. big ships, Ogres, Monarchs, Juggernauts, etc). You'll quickly rack up a good haul, before they send hunters after you. Once the hunters are sent, you'll need to de-mast them (again, assuming you're only after gold). The BEST way to do it, is sail to a remote, empty area at sea, and circle around with the hunter for a while, and have your crew shoot at the sails, until its immobile. This will prevent more from spawning, and save you the hassle of sinking ships, and worrying about a hunter.

After that's done keep sinking ships until your scoundrel rank climbs to 4, and warships start seeking you. Once this happens, do the same thing. Take the warship to a remote area at sea, and remove her sails. Once that's done, keep sinking ships to your heart's content. Don't worry too much about your cargo hold, and here's why:
In POTCO and TLOPO, your cargo "limit" just displays that number, of your best cargo. So, if I have 18 cargo, I will see the BEST 18 items in my hold. This, DOES NOT mean your cargo hold is full. The game will continue to loot EVERYTHING off of ships you sink, until your hold reaches it complete cap, which means, your filled with all ship materials, and/or loot skull chests. What does that mean for you? Virtually unlimited plundering, since you've eliminated hunters and warships from the equation.


This is an old image, I took a few months back, but it helps explain my point. Count the "static" cargo (i.e. chests, cargo crates, royals, etc)? I did the math, there are 179 containers JUST in the static cargo. Not including loot pouches and chests. Look how much gold? All you have to do is keep sinking ships, for a solid hour or so, until your hold is only displaying Royal Chests (and maybe loot skulls if you got that lucky) and keep sailing for a bit. It may seem like a long time, but you'll make more gold than I did in that image (I've made upwards of 25k before in a long run).

Hope this helps, it's poorly written, because I'm tired, and don't feel to well, but if you've got any questions about it, I'd be more than happy to offer my best answers :)
In POTCO and TLOPO, your cargo "limit" just displays that number, of your best cargo. So, if I have 18 cargo, I will see the BEST 18 items in my hold. This, DOES NOT mean your cargo hold is full. The game will continue to loot EVERYTHING off of ships you sink, until your hold reaches it complete cap, which means, your filled with all ship materials, and/or loot skull chests. What does that mean for you? Virtually unlimited plundering, since you've eliminated hunters and warships from the equation.
What an odd mechanic, thanks for enlightening me haha I never knew this!
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Now, if you're looking for JUST gold, and not ship materials, it's a bit funny. To start, do the usual, sink ships that are known for good cargo (i.e. big ships, Ogres, Monarchs, Juggernauts, etc). You'll quickly rack up a good haul, before they send hunters after you. Once the hunters are sent, you'll need to de-mast them (again, assuming you're only after gold). The BEST way to do it, is sail to a remote, empty area at sea, and circle around with the hunter for a while, and have your crew shoot at the sails, until its immobile. This will prevent more from spawning, and save you the hassle of sinking ships, and worrying about a hunter.

This doesn't seem to be working for me, I de-masted a hunter and it had no trouble following me at full speed, am I doing something wrong?
This doesn't seem to be working for me, I de-masted a hunter and it had no trouble following me at full speed, am I doing something wrong?
What server were you on? I always sail on Valor, Nocivo, or Poderoso, and it (used to) stopped ships if I demasted them, but I know that off and on there's a bug where destroying sails doesn't do anything.
:thumbsup: ahh thank you @LesPaulObsession the de masting hadn't occurred to's pretty logical now you've said it :oops:

This is very useful knowledge for me since I'm generally either solo or just have my partner as crew :)
I only recommend this approach if you're trying to sink anything except hunters/warships for whatever reason. They have strong sails, so de-masting them is a waste of time if you plan to sink them anyway. Additionally, if you don't have a crew it'll be virtually impossible to de-mast them anyway.

Personally when I solo sail with the goal to sink regular ships I just ignore the hunters, sails or no sails. As long as you're doing wide turns they'll always be behind you, and therefore a very minimal threat.
Pardon, I don't mean to 'necro' this but I'm curious - @LesPaulObsession if what you're saying about the hold is true, then wouldn't that render fortune hunter upgrade entirely useless? I'm a bit confused on that one, to me it appears that you have 12 crates/royals/whatever, each one giving you a number of items that sell for gold, not close to 180 chests giving you 1 item a piece
Pardon, I don't mean to 'necro' this but I'm curious - @LesPaulObsession if what you're saying about the hold is true, then wouldn't that render fortune hunter upgrade entirely useless? I'm a bit confused on that one, to me it appears that you have 12 crates/royals/whatever, each one giving you a number of items that sell for gold, not close to 180 chests giving you 1 item a piece
It almost makes the upgrade useless. Your hold will stop collecting cargo when it's full of the best cargo available, i.e. ship materials, rare materials, loot skulls, or any combination of the three. So, the larger your hold, the more "better cargo" you can carry. But yes, aside from that, it doesn't really matter how much cargo space you have, as long as you sink the right ships
Pardon, I don't mean to 'necro' this but I'm curious - @LesPaulObsession if what you're saying about the hold is true, then wouldn't that render fortune hunter upgrade entirely useless? I'm a bit confused on that one, to me it appears that you have 12 crates/royals/whatever, each one giving you a number of items that sell for gold, not close to 180 chests giving you 1 item a piece

It almost makes the upgrade useless. Your hold will stop collecting cargo when it's full of the best cargo available, i.e. ship materials, rare materials, loot skulls, or any combination of the three. So, the larger your hold, the more "better cargo" you can carry. But yes, aside from that, it doesn't really matter how much cargo space you have, as long as you sink the right ships

It renders the fortune hunter upgrade essentially worthless for gold runs, as any ship with even a mediocre amount of cargo space can gather a ridiculous amount of gold chests before they fill up on skull and material chests simply by ignoring hunters/warships.

However, for material runs (which is what most people do nowadays), that extra cargo space absolutely comes in handy.