Inventory expand

so i was able to do this in about a minute on paint, but @divine u are right, there is enough room to fit about 42 slots comfortably. I think these 12 slots would be awesome to free up inventory a bit
expanded inv.png
Looks good.. running to town when your getting down to business to often kinda kills the mood lol. I guess I just been spoiled by CV other games with multiple inventory space and tabs there in lol I like to collect clothes to have different look often
Yeah with pirates not having banks to store the pirate booty in and no island of our own with chest to store extra inventory space is best deal we can ask for
I am all for this. I like to collect tons of weapons/clothes that I'll probably never use, which means I have little room for those loot runs :( I would love more slots! I also support a scrolling feature for yer inventory or perhaps an extra inventory tab, to keep it concise.