Jade O'Hayes' 3,333-rd post in Pirates Forums video

omg I heard that song so many times today! It drives me up the wall! lol
Anyway what happened to the video? It seems a little laggy.
Congrats Jade on 3,333 post! I have a lot of catching up to do! ( Thanks for lvling my pirate:))
That wasn't Fraps, as you could see ... :D ... It 'killed' me not to be able to use my Fraps; it didn't want to record. That that Hypercam ... :facepalm:, it recorded twice the speed of original speed. So I had to make all the speed 0.5 x (!!!), so that's the result; pretty laggy. The 3,333 sneaked up on me, I didn't have time to mess around with my Fraps to get it fixed. But I need to, soon, if ya know what I mean ... :cool:

And thank you, everyone!
Oh, ok. :D I'm not good at finding music scores. A lot of times I have to borrow John's, and some other time I asked Basil. John found that one. If I had to find it myself, it took the longest time to find the right music score, sometimes longer than putting together the video itself.