Join a Great Guild (08/18/11)

Jason Ironskull

Site Founder
Savvy Pirates know a Guild is their closest ally.
Your trusted Guild mates will always have your back, no matter how grave the danger or difficult the challenge. Whether it’s teleporting to you in the nick of time during battle, or helping you level up your weapon skills, Guild mates are an essential part of a Pirate’s life!

All Pirates can join a Guild. To create a Guild, you must have Unlimited Access.
For more details on creating or joining a Guild, please see our Players Guide.

Here are some basics for new Pirates (and good reminders for ye old salty dogs!):

Guild Master

  • A Guild Master can invite other Pirates to join the Guild, remove any current Guild members, and promote Guild members to various Guild Ranks.
  • The Guild Master can also dissolve the Guild at any given time.
Guild Ranks

  • Officer - can invite Pirates to join a Guild and remove Pirates from the Guild. Currently there is a limit of removing only 5 Pirates from a Guild per day.
  • Veteran - can only invite Pirates to join the Guild.
Guild-wide Notifications

  • All Guild members will receive notifications when a Pirate joins or leave the Guild. All Guild members will also be notified if an Officer or the Guild Master has removed a Pirate from the Guild. Remember, you can only see Guild-wide notifications if you are logged into the game.
The Guild Officers and Veterans can continue leading the Guild if the Guild Master chooses to leave. Since Officers cannot perform all the functions and duties of a Guild Master, it is better to re-form the Guild under a new Guild Master. Keep in mind, Guild members must first leave the old Guild in order to join a new Guild.

IMPORTANT: Remember never to ask for or give your personal information to anyone in the game or online, including members of your Guild. This includes your Account ID, Password, phone number, e-mail or home address. It's just not safe and a Pirate’s safety is always top priority, savvy?

Upgrade to Unlimited Access
to create and lead your own Guild!
This is just my 2 cents here but it sounds like they're stalling either they have a massive update coming or they have nothing. :fight:
I sent a message to them on that post saying " Now if only the directory would work so we could see these new amazing guilds" Lol

Also notice they forgot that the GM can give the guild away? LOL