KoolKKyle streaming!

Charles Warmonk

Wiki Staff
KoolKKyle will be doing a 24-hour live stream Monday 5/25/15 at http://www.twitch.tv/koolkkyle giving away many LOTRO VIP memberships, Turbine Points and Starter Packs! Hope to see you all join him live on Twitch! He is also online right now and @ 80 viewers doing a big Turbine giveaway right NOW! At 100 he doubles the amount of Turbine points!

He is an official LOTRO streamer if you are interested in joining the LOTRO game it's a great place to ask questions and earn turbine points and learn about the community <3
He's not on the Firefoot server, but I'm guessing if he's a live streamer, that people on Firefoot or any server could listen in to win whenever these streams go on. Ty for the info :)