Launcher downloads patches slowly (10kbps)


Pirate Apprentice
As the title says, TLOPO is downloading the latest update for me at only 10 to 4 kilobytes per second. Because each file in the update is around 20-50 megabytes, it is taking forever to download it. It took an hour to download just one of the files. Everywhere else, the download is fine. If anyone is able to get me a download of their TLOPO, that'd be great.
Hey there,

Please ensure that your AV is not blocking and/or restricting game's launcher connection with TLOPO database during update procedure.

If the issue persists, consult

Still no help, so I sent an E-mail.


This is what I normally get.
Check task manager, maybe something else is using the remainder of your internet. Also try restarting modem.
Done both. As I said, I just need a download of the latest update from somewhere that isn't the launcher.
Look up.
Seriously, all I need is a download to the TLOPO update. It goes super-slow from the launcher.