Suggestion Level Specific Weapon Upgrades (OLD POTCO)

Grey Vice

Recently I started to clear out some of my random quests I've accumulated and I had a few of the old weapon upgrade ones! I remember back when the weapon upgrades were necessary but in the updated POTCO they have no place. (Here is an example of one ----> click here)

My recommendations to fix this problem is to...

1.) Remove the quests completely, add these guns as normal loot, and buff them and their rarity.

2.) Remove the weapons from the quest, as if we're just helping the NPC increase the strength of their weapon.

3.) Keep the quests, but buff the weapons to be some of the most powerful weapons you can get at that level.

Otherwise these quests are useless.
I don't mind the quests and I see no reason to change them. It's an easy way to get a relatively powerful weapon if you have terrible luck looting.