New Fall Merchandise! (09/01/11)

While exploring remote waters to seek plunder on distant shores, Pirates need to look the part. Your friendly island Peddlers can help suit you up for discovery as a
Pilgrim Explorer!

Perfect for questing and treasure expeditions, search out all the bounty the Caribbean has to offer with a strong wind, a hearty crew, and this intrepid gear. Just keep a weather eye on those Bounty Hunters and a swift hand on the cannons!

And if your pillaging pilgrimage should reach such remote islands as Raven’s Cove, the mysterious Raven’s Cove Mercenary garb is also still available for a limited time.

Peddlers sell their wares on the shores of Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres del Fuego and Cuba.

You’ll know them by their special symbol shown here:

Remember, Peddlers offer new items every month and stop selling older items after a couple months, so don't delay and get your new threads before they're gone!

Upgrade to Unlimited Access
to wear all Common and Rare clothing items!
Igor! That's your favorite hat! At least it doesn't look like a Leprechaun's hat because it's not green ... :p
For some reason, when I think of the word PILGRIM, I automatically think of food & the Thanksgiving holiday, lol.
So...who is the "turkey" here? The girl on the left - or - the guy on the right?
Well, at least the pants compliment each other :rolleyes:.