Suggestion New Ideas

So a group of my self and guildies were discussing this a lot recently and here's what we came up with as suggestions for TLOPO:

1.So quests are nice. The issue is the light and locations. Sometimes it shows where to go sometimes it doesn’t. Especially for places like rats nest or thieves den etc.. I was thinking of having a in-depth map the character can unlock to see where the cave will lead you to

2.New sailing item! I was thinking of adding a VERY RARE item where when you are sailing, you could like on land, click to see the whole map, but on the sea you can see other players and enemy ships! ( I call this item the World’s Eye )

3.New cannon item; plundering is fun; only problem is ammo. Lets have a Ram where if you participated in killing a ship, small portion of the ammo is restored. Possibly Easier Ships give back 10-15 shots Harder ships 40-60 and HARDEST ships give back 70+

4.Guild Logos. Make a customizable logo that way we can add it to our ships or even patches to clothes!

5.Leeches are becoming a problem, possibly a timer for auto removal from a place ( ship ) and crew since things like that get annoying

6.Allow crew members to invite other people - let crew member either recommend people so the captain could allow or decline.

7.A feature to kick people from your ships when set on public. Click on the how many people and a character list shows - this way chose and boot.

8.Whisper to a friend if you know their name instead of having to click on the profile and then the icon. Possibly add a /w (Name) then then the message

9.When somebody whispers you, you have to click on the profile then the icon, make it so if you type /r then space you can auto reply, faster and efficient.

10.Adding people as friends. Allow to add people when they’re offline! Had a person who crashed and I didn’t know him; he didn’t come back online and I couldn’t ever add him :(

11.Log in - server selection. Allow to see how many friends are in that server. A little side icon on the server name?

12Combine a crew. Lets see if you are in a crew with 2 people and another crew is with 2. Let the crew leader chose to merge the crew!

13.Ask to join a crew! But if the person doesn’t respond or declines; they can’t ask again for a while. ( Spamming issue )

14.Another feature would be INCOGNITO. Every time we log on it says we are online, maybe a nice feature would be incognito so people can’t tp or see that you’re online!

15.A scroll bar for loot off a mat run would be nice to be honest you cant see all the loot you get on a mat run from 1 page!!!!
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