New Pirate Essentials (08/15/11)

Jason Ironskull

Site Founder
More and more new Pirates sail into the Caribbean every day - seeking adventure, plunder and infamy.
Here are some swashbuckling essentials to help map yer way around the islands...

Ray of Light
When all else fails, look for a Ray of Light!
It appears beaming down from the sky marking where you need to go next on the islands.

Every Pirate thirsts for sea battle and plunder! You get your first ship by completing a Quest for Elizabeth Swann, on Port Royal.

When you’re ready to buy a new ship, you can size up your options here.


Jolly Roger is one of the Caribbean’s most fearsome foes – and he proves it every time he and his Undead Army invades our Pirate shores!

Find out what Jolly Roger’s after, and how to defend against his forces here.


Has your Pirate turned green, or grown giant-sized? Have you blasted gold-stealing Bandits out of the water yet?

Potion brewing, Fishing, Ship Repair, and Cannon Defense present Pirates with fun new challenges, some perplexing, many with exciting and profitable results!

Queen Anne's Revenge

Speaking of challenges, look no further than the deadly Queen Anne’s Revenge for some of the toughest seafaring adversaries in the Caribbean.

New Pirates, beware – get the Sword of Triton before tackling those dangerous Jumbee!

PVP and Infamy
Once you’ve gotten your sea legs, challenge your fellow Pirates for Infamy ranks in different Player vs. Player battles!


The French and Spanish enjoy a longtime rivalry in the Caribbean.
Privateering for either side in Ship vs. Ship battles wins you much Infamy!

Upgrade to Unlimited Access
to experience all exciting features to the their fullest!
It seems that the Players Guide has been updated as well... here are some things I found, this shows you can lock your pirate although when I logged on I couldn't do this:

Locking a Pirate
By default, any Pirate can be played by anyone logging in to one of your family's accounts. If you want to create a personal Pirate that no one else can share, simply Lock your Pirate on the main Pirate section screen. After you've done this, only that Pirate's creator or an account administrator can play or unlock that Pirate.


Locking Pirates

This shows whay your crew members are doing, it used to say they were just on land but it will soon show what weapon they are using.


Icon Status
Your Crew Member is aboard a Ship.
Your Crew Member is using a Ship Wheel.
Your Crew Member is using a Ship Cannon.
Your Crew Member is using a Cutlass Weapon.
Your Crew Member is using a Pistol Weapon.
Your Crew Member is using a Voodoo Doll Weapon.
Your Crew Member is using a Dagger Weapon.
Your Crew Member is using a Grenade Weapon.
Your Crew Member is using a Staff Weapon.
Your Crew Member is playing Parlor Games.
Your Crew Member needs to be revived.
Guild wide notifications:
  • Guild-wide Notifications (new feature!)
    • All Guild members will receive notifications when a Pirate joins or leave the Guild. All Guild members will also be notified if an Officer or the Guild Master has removed a Pirate from the Guild. Please keep in mind, you can only see Guild-wide notifications if you are logged into the game.
The Guild Officers and Veterans can continue leading the Guild if the Guild Master chooses to leave. But, since Officers cannot perform all the functions and duties of a Guild Master, it is better to re-form the Guild under a new Guild Master. Keep in mind, Guild members must first leave the old Guild in order to join a new Guild.

I also saw this picture of the old port royal:

Finding Merchants



All pirate card games require skill, but one of the most important skills is the ability to control yourself. If you've got a winning hand, it's hard not to grin like a fool or throw your arms up in the air in glee. You might as well just tell everybody what your hand is. Likewise, even small gestures can give away your emotions and thus tell other players how good or bad your hand is. These little gestures -- for example, slumping when you have a bad hand, or raising your eyebrows when you have a good hand –– will lower your chances of winning. Such little gestures are called "tells," and sometimes players just can't resist showing them.
On the other hand, it's jolly good when other players display tells. Especially when you play poker, keep a weather eye on your opponents. If you see a tell, you'll have a hint at how good that player's hand is, and you can play your own hand better.

The game runs really slow during invasions, what can I do to fix this?
Invasions require a significant amount of your computer memory. If you have a less powerful computer, you will want to adjust your settings before taking part in an invasion.
There are a number of things you can do to improve your gaming experience:
1. Lower your graphics settings. To do this, press F7 or the “Esc” key while playing. In the Options Menu, select Graphic Options, select the “Display” tab and change your settings. If you have your settings set on “High,” a “Medium” or “Low” setting may help improve your computer performance greatly.

If you are still having problems, adjusting your Custom Settings under the Graphics Settings option can also help. Turn on “Compressed Textures” and “Aggressive Memory Conservation.” Turn off “Shaders” and “Rendered Shadow,” this along with lowering any of the individual graphics options will also help.
Hide any menus or other displays such as your compass. Having your Sea Chest open will not only block your view of the action, but slow down the game during an invasion.
Unfortunately now for some reason, the icon on crew only shows cannon, sailing, on land, playing cards and KO'ed... No clue what happened to all the others.
Really? the ship icon means there on a ship?This whole time i thought they were eating strawberries
OMG no way I thought it meant they were swimming or something :O Lol in all seriousness here. What gives disney? <.< *cough* 3 months now and still nothing on test... I thought they had a billion ideas plus the ones we send them :/ :mad:
Guys lets not get to mad at Disney. I mean at least the game is running. I hope they are putting more time into keeping the glitches ( such as the lv 0 glitch and when the game crashes out of the game then coming up with more updates. But I do hope they have a new update coming soon. :)