New Shows Coming Out That Sound/Look Good


So I am starting this thread so we can talk about new shows coming out that look good or interesting. I ditched my cable/dish 2 years ago and mainly watch netflix these days. This being said I don't get to see commercials for new and upcoming shows. I know several people who have done this so I assume it's becoming more popular to just have netflix and or Hulu Plus.

So 2 shows coming that I can't wait to see that look like they will be really good are:
Heros Reborn NBC & Ash vs. Evil Dead on Starz:

No link to Ash vs. Evil Dead due to laguage and well everything else that series was know for.

I'm excited watching Mr. Robot and Zoo if either count xD

Summer typically doesn't have anything exciting statistically speaking and honestly I'm waiting for Fall and Spring TV.