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I was going to launch my ship when this guy started talking in colors...
100% true no edits
Was his name "Daggerpaine"? If so, I've seen that guy. He kept cursing and not getting banned, not substituting letters or anything, just straight-out cursing.

uhh..... you mostlikely wouldnt be able to see it if they were hacking because you dont have the same code changes that they used, plus why would they waste time hacking chat colors instead of beefing out their pirate... and its really fuzzy around the names and doesnt match the background witch leads me to believe its edited...
That's not edited at all. I've seen a guy do that exact thing, on a noob called Daggerpaine. Probably the same person.
uhh..... you mostlikely wouldnt be able to see it if they were hacking because you dont have the same code changes that they used, plus why would they waste time hacking chat colors instead of beefing out their pirate... and its really fuzzy around the names and doesnt match the background witch leads me to believe its edited...
true, why would a serious hacker waste time on color texting.
Lol there is no way its edited.. go to paint and type something in theirs fuzzys now go and say something on pirates then screen it put the screen in paint then post the chat pod to a picture viewing service their will be little fuzzies people do this all the time and the codes aren't changed and he is not a hacker its basic HTML and CSS code.. Geez learn website programming -.-
I honestly can say I cannot understand what a 'fuzzys' is... But,
"Website" programming will not work the same on a game. POTCO is not a website; it is a game. It may use website, but it's not that easy to change the text.. I've tried. >.> Take it from someone whose related to a few major game and site devs/programmers.
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