Ocean Warlord


Honorable Pirate
Hi y'all, just a bit about the Ocean Warlord guild:

Formed on April 8th, 2008 by Basil Bilgedavis
Basil was our GM for the first two and a half years until he tired of it and gave the title to Matthew Cannoncrash, who wore the mantle until May of this year, when he handed it to Richard Lockburn (yours' truly), our current GM.

Since our inception, we've hovered in the top 20 guilds on the leaderboards, breaking the top 10 at times.

Why "Ocean Warlord" and not "Ocean Warlords"? Simple - the plural was rejected by Disney, the singular was accepted. I like the way it reads over our heads anyway - each of us is a Ocean Warlord in his / her own right!

Membership is open to all, though we seem to be made up mostly of parents and adults - so humor in crew chat can get a bit wild, though a few of our children have pirates onboard as well. We have no official rules - respect amongst Warlords is what we rely on; allowing each pirate to maximize their individual strengths to our mutual benefit. Some of us have practically set up homes on Tormenta while others only port long enough cash in and repair - so guild-mates almost always have somewhere to turn for help. If you're interested in joining, pm me, or find one of us out in the game.

Fair winds and following seas!

Richard Lockburn
Ocean Warlord