I remember all the islands so clearly. I started playing in February 2008. I don't think I ever got to see that launcher, but it was a different version of the one we have now. I remember when bosses first came out and I'm like OMG the first time I saw one. As Blackbeard said, they were amazingly hard. I remember capping at 40 at Timothy Dartan.

Also when the Behemoth was a flagship, the Navy Bastion was still sailing, and a Juggernaut would always spawn directly behind Padres.
Click here for more info on the Bastion: http://piratesonline.wikia.com/wiki/Navy_Bastion

I remember when getting to Las Pulgas (area where DH is in) and I was like "Huh??? What is this place?". Back then, that place was a secret almost. It was perfect for leveling.

One thing I want back is the old bodies and old custom clothing. They don't have to remove the current ones, just add them back.

I still have my starter dark green tricorne. Back then, there was much more diversity in people. Everyone wasn't wearing sack vests, bandanas and bare feet. We actually looked like pirates. There was a lot more customization in clothes. You could color almost any clothing item.

I have a thread on Old Potco items that I highly recommend checking out: https://piratesforums.co/threads/your-old-potco-items.4891/
"Everyone wasn't wearing sack vests, bandanas and bare feet."

It would be very nice indeed to have pirates wearing the old-style cloths. Really, bright greens, reds, blues and lavender, and even pink :rolleyes: looks more like jammies. Bring on the diversity...

As long as they never bring back that dang timer!!