Pirates Keep to the Code (08/29/11)

New Pirates of all ages sail into the Caribbean every day.
To keep the Caribbean a safe and welcoming place for everyone, ALL Pirates are expected to follow the Pirates Online Code of Conduct.


To stay safe in-game and to keep your account in good standing, follow these simple rules:

• Never ask for or give out your personal information to anyone in the game or online –
it’s just not safe. This includes:
- Account ID
- Password
- E-mail address
- Home address
- Phone number

NOTE: Disney GMs will never ask for your personal information in the game.

• Pirates of all ages sail these waters, so always mind your tongue. Inappropriate topics as
outlined in Disney's Online House Rules are not acceptable and could get you removed from
the game if you discuss them.

• Show your fellow Pirate brethren respect. Treat others as you would like to be treated in-game.

Pirates that don't follow these rules can be removed from the game, in some cases permanently.

They also lose the chance for special opportunities, like being selected for the Player Spotlight or Test Server invitations.
Your behavior could also negatively affect your Guild if they are being considered for the Guild Spotlight.

When in doubt, feel free to Contact Us on any account or possible safety issue.

I agree more "stalling" news. When are they actually going to tell the rest of the Pirates Online Community (aka "The Grog Blog") about Ship Customization and the New Ship that is "supposedly" coming. :mad: While I agree this is good to see that pirates is telling people that they need to watch what they're saying/doing online. We need info about new content at the same time. :fight:
I am fine with ever thing expect this one girl keeps on trying to get my phone number and i keep saying uh my phone is broken sry or mabye later. ect
yes i got caught talking to Chat live and i was playing PotCO and i think a few of my sentences made it on the PotCO so now i get a lil e-mail saying i am banned and i must call and talk to Disney monday :mad: soooo lame :rolleyes: