Event  Pirates Online Movie: The War

John Elijah Marston

Honorable Pirate
Time: 1609
Setting: Caribbean
Plot: The Caribbean has been under attack for some years and its time to finally stop it all and save the Caribbean. But stopping the evil people behind it will not be easy. John will need to get a pirate crew to stop the madness. The Navy will team up. The Undead will grow stronger. All these events will cause the whole Caribbean to turn into a war zone. John will be there and so will his crew.

Auditions will be held Monday, August 15, 12:00 Central Pacific (check your times) and the location for auditions will be on the
server Exuma at Royal Anchor

My girlfriend (who will kiss me in the end)
My best friend
News man
Crazy man
Healers (4)
Crew men (10)
Fortune Teller

Leave a comment on who you would like to be but remember just cause you want to be that will not mean you will get it.