Pistol quest bugged + game logs


Just after the cinematic with Barbarossa, the game crashes, here is the game logs.
We tried the same quest with 2 different people on 2 different computers (but same character/account).

Exception occurred while processing Func-equipPistol-4485 of Sequence-2639:
0.000 Sequence-2639 {
0.000 *Func-hideChestTray-4482
0.000 Sequence-2637 {
0.000 *Func-unstash-4483
0.000 }
0.000 *Func-setChatAbsolute-4484
0.000 *Func-equipPistol-4485
0.000 Sequence-2638 {
0.000 *Func-off-4486
0.000 }
0.000 *Func-request-4487
0.000 *Func-setHBounds-4488
0.000 *Func-setIgnoreAllKeys-4489
0.000 *Func-setIgnoreMainMenuHotKey-4490
0.000 *Func-accept-4491
0.000 }

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "direct.showbase.ShowBase", line 1653, in __ivalLoop
File "direct.interval.IntervalManager", line 96, in step
File "direct.interval.IntervalManager", line 119, in __doPythonCallbacks
File "direct.interval.MetaInterval", line 518, in privPostEvent
File "direct.interval.MetaInterval", line 494, in __doPythonCallbacks
File "direct.interval.Interval", line 207, in privDoEvent
File "direct.interval.FunctionInterval", line 88, in privInstant
File "pirates.quest.QuestParser", line 1708, in equipPistol
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pistolSlotId' referenced before assignment
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 :task(error): Exception occurred in PythonTask ivalLoop
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "direct.distributed.ConnectionRepository", line 615, in readerPollUntilEmpty
File "direct.distributed.ConnectionRepository", line 620, in readerPollOnce
File "direct.showbase.ShowBase", line 1653, in __ivalLoop
File "direct.interval.IntervalManager", line 96, in step
File "direct.interval.IntervalManager", line 119, in __doPythonCallbacks
File "direct.interval.MetaInterval", line 518, in privPostEvent
File "direct.interval.MetaInterval", line 494, in __doPythonCallbacks
File "direct.interval.Interval", line 207, in privDoEvent
File "direct.interval.FunctionInterval", line 88, in privInstant
File "pirates.quest.QuestParser", line 1708, in equipPistol
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pistolSlotId' referenced before assignment
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 :task(error): Exception occurred in PythonTask readerPollTask-166862832
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 TimeManager: Client disconnect reason 3.
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 TimeManager: Client exception: pirates.quest.QuestParser:1706, direct.interval.FunctionInterval:88, direct.interval.Interval:207, direct.interval.MetaInterval:502, UnboundLocalError: local variable 'pistolSlotId' referenced before assignment
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 PiratesClientRepository: Sent disconnect message to server
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 PiratesClientRepository: Closing connection to server.
########## stopReaderPollTask Pirate
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 TaskManager: TaskManager.destroy()
:06-28-2017 19:39:02 :display: Closing wglGraphicsWindow
I have that on my near-term TODO list, if not distracted by other shiny code SHOULD be fixed soon(TM).

In the meantime, an easy workaround is to pick up the pistol first before seeing Hector (I believe it's even free at the gun shop(?).
Awesome, thanks for quick reply, will picking up the gun before hand allow the cutscene to finish or will I just have to run around doing other stuff until it's fixed?
Just pick up the gun first, then head to Devil's, afaik it should all work good. At least it USED to! :D
Will give it a SHOT (pun intended) right now and report back!

Update: Worked flawlessly! That's an easy fix!
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Just pick up the gun first, then head to Devil's, afaik it should all work good. At least it USED to! :D

I got the gun and I tried doing the quest again but it keeps on crashing. I just wanted to let you know because I have been trying everything the past 2 weeks to get passed this quest.