Portting ~Windows~ games onto Mac OS platform

Finn H.

Honorable Pirate
Hey you know the one thing i love about potco is that you can play it on the mac and for the last few weeks ive been looking for a way to play games like Mass Effect, Skyrim and NBA 2k13 on a mac and i found out about this pretty sweet site that has a way to play it. I got mass effect 2 and skyrim to run with only a few errors.

(ik that sounded like an ad)
Tutorial video (ik its for skyrim but it works for any other game that they have made a wrapper for)

Link to wrappers:http://portingteam.com/files/

I do not take credit for any of the wrappers websites or videos.

I Recomend using wineskin it is a much more simple way to do this but you can do it anyway you want.

(and if anyone can find a working mass effect 3 wrapper id apreciate it if you message me about it)
theres alot of programs that emulate windows you can use on macs like redwine to play windows games, it'll be a little tricky getting multiplayer to work but it is possible