Project Update: Islands, Multiplayer Interaction and More!

Excellent progress mates! Man I miss the game, this makes me miss it even more. I hope within a year from now I'm running laps at Tormenta again. Thanks to the crew for all your hard work.
Oh my god this looks like such amazing progress! I can't believe they've got the weapon animations down too. My draw dropped to the floor, they look great! Very promising.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Crew @ The Legend of Pirates Online seen how much you all enjoyed the first video we decided to make an encore! This one being 34 minutes long, we hope you enjoy it!

Keep in mind, we are developers, not actors. We are well aware that the acting is quite corny. :p

@Mike Wass , the video looks great. Don't call it corny mate, it's beautiful. The majority of people never thought they would see it again anyway, so it's all good.